DMT SwimFit - Session 2
What you will need..
Pull buoy
Training Fins (optional)
Bottle of Water
Before you start...
Watch the video, read the description and enjoy having a go at the exercise yourself...
If you struggle to finish any of the sets in the program then please do not worry... This is about enjoying your swim!.. So if you need to, cut down the number of lengths and increase resting time... Do whatever you like as long as you are careful and you follow your local pools rules, regulations and lane discipline!!!...
Enjoy the session and a big thank you to Stuart for completing the lesson and allowing me to film the demonstrations!!...
Warm up
6 lengths of Front Crawl... Begin swimming really slowly and gradually increase your speed with every length until your sixth and final length is about 80% of your fastest pace!!... Basically, We want you sprinting!!...
Set 1
This set will require a Pull Buoy which you will use throughout the entire set... This set involves a mixture of both kicking only AND arm pull only...
Hold the pull buoy out in front of you and do Front Crawl leg kick for 1 length, without resting put the pull buoy between your thighs and swim 2 lengths of just Front Crawl arms... Rest for 15 seconds... Repeat this 4 times altogether...
Points to remember...
When you are kicking, have your face in the water and gently lift it in up when you need to breathe...
when you are using just your arms please remember to stretch (either when your arms enter the water AND when you pull your arm back underneath the water)... For some people the pull buoy can make your legs sink easily so the more you stretch out the upper body, the more you will stretch out the lower body...
Keep your legs relaxed when you are kicking, especially your feet and ankles!... Try as best as you can to kick from your hips... You are allowed to bend your knees a little bit but not too much!!...
Set 2
20 lengths of Front Crawl full stroke... Every fourth length must be either Breaststroke or Backstroke full stroke...
Points to remember...
Try to make this continuous... Only rest if you need to... If needs be let the Breaststroke or Backstroke length be your recovery time...
If you decide to do Backstroke please be aware of other swimmers in the lane AND make sure you don't bang your head on the wall!
Set 3
6 lengths of Front Crawl leg kick...
Kicking on your side with one arm stretched out in front, rest your ear on the arm as if you are using the arm as a pillow... The other arm should be resting down by your side, this arm doesn't grab anything or touch anything, it just stays limp and relaxed...
Switch sides every 4-5 seconds... Rolling the entire body, including your face through the water...
Rest for 10 seconds after each length... If you need to!!...
Points to remember...
While you are kicking it is important to stretch your body as much as you can... The flatter or more streamlined you are, the easier this exercise will be...
We want you to be able to breathe all of the time!... The only time you are not breathing is when you change sides and you roll your face through the water...
Set 4
8 X 2 lengths Front Crawl full stroke...
20 seconds rest after every 2 lengths...
Points to remember...
Ensure you get your full rest time... Increase resting time if you need to...
If you want to make it harder then try making one of your lengths a sprint... So you end up swimming one length slow, one length hard!
Cool Down
6 lengths in total... 4 lengths of Front Crawl and 2 lengths of Backstroke...
Start by swimming a length of Front Crawl and count how many arm pulls it takes you to finish... The aim is to complete each of the following lengths in two LESS arm pulls than the one before... For example, if it takes you 32 arm pulls to complete length number 1, then you should aim to complete length number 2 in 30 arm pulls... And so on!!...
Once you have completed all four lengths, finish by swimming two lengths slowly on your back... Either Backstroke full stroke or double arm Back stroke...
Points to remember...
This set is a 'cool down' exercise... I need you to take your time!...
When completing the Backstroke please be aware of other swimmers in the lane and make sure you don't bang your head on the wall!!
“I used to swim a lot when I was younger but found as I got older it was more difficult
to find classes that offered group training for fitness/leisure rather than for competition.
Since starting the DMT swim fit classes at Marshall Street, I’ve rediscovered my passion for the water and greatly improved my technique. The classes cater to all abilities and although we swim as a group, the activities can be adjusted to match each individuals swimming capability ensuring we all get a good workout.
David is incredibly supportive which is reflected in the success of those he teaches. He has helped us all with our individual goals from learning new strokes to training for triathlons.
I’ve personally lost over a stone and toned up my troublesome tummy/arms in the process!
Thank you David, a very kind, special and talented coach and a new friend for life.”